Lk Quotes

We warned you, Crux sssavagesss! We warned you to ssstay away from the Haven of the Lk! We thought your mastersss understood this when lassst we crushed Crux thrallsss and sssurrogatesss. Now that you have breached our ssspace, we mussst teach your Crux Mastersss thisss torturousss lessson all over again!

We are humans from Earth, of the League of Sentient Races. We come in peace. How may we classify you, fellow sentient?

Hold on there! We aren't Crux savages! We're at war with the Crux!

Sssuch a pathetic ruse. Not only isss that a foolish lie, but it is a foolish lie that you have used before, when you tried to pretend that the K'tang were not a member of the Crux! Time for you to die.

You'll teach us? I think not! I'll wipe up the quadrant with you!

Whoa! Hold on, spunky! We're not the Crux!

That sounds like Crux behavior, all right. But we're not the Crux. Honest.

Do not try to deceive usss!

If you call me the Crux again, it's time for sssauteed sssentient mushroomsss!

We will relish dessstroying you.

You may have dessstroyed an entire Lk battlegroup, but you cannot ssstop the combined might of the Lk. Die, Cruxsss sssavagesss!

I can stop all of you!

Ah, we shall relish your deaths!

Wait! We tried to tell your other ships that we're not the Crux!

How can I convince you we're not the Crux?

If you were not the Crux, you would dessstroy all the heretical Daktaklakpak! But you won't, because they are your trusssted alliesss!

They are NOT our allies!

Destroy the Daks? We're working on it.

Ssso you sssay.

Why do you hate the Daktaklakpak?

Heretical? The Daks? They're as non-secular as they come!

The Daktaklakpak believe that they are direct descendentsss of the Precursorsss. That is nothing less than heresssy! Only the Lk are connected to the Precursorsss.

Oh? Close cousins? Children?

How are you related to the Precursors?

Are you the Precursors?

We do not trussst you enough to tell you how we are related to the Precursorsss.

So how do we earn that trust?

You can prove that you are not of the Crux by attacking the Daktaklakpak and bringing us a Precursor artifact that looks like a Red Ssspiral Rail. The Daktaklakpak will never sssurrender it, so this is a good test of your honesty.

We'll gladly destroy the Daks. It'll take awhile, though.

OK. Fine. I'll personally wipe out all the Daktaklakpak, and then come back.

You can prove that you are not of the Crux faster than that. You can attack the Daktaklakpak and bring us a Precursor artifact that looks like a Red Ssspiral Rail. The Daktaklakpak will never sssurrender it, so this is a good test of your honesty.

What is this Red Spiral Rail?

We will tell you when you actually give it to us.

It's a deal.

Done and done!

Good. You can likely find the Red Ssspiral Rail at a Crux base at Antaeus One. Now go, Crux spy.

But we have many questions for you.

And we have many answersss. But they are only for thossse sentientsss that are NOT membersss of the Crux.

See ya!

No way. No deal.

Ssso. The preciousss little Crux ssspy is back to tell usss why we should trussst him, even though he cannot bring us the Red Spiral Rail! Yesss?

I just thought I'd blast up some more of your ships.

Nope! I'm here to promise that I'll get the Red Spiral Rail for you,

I'll get you the damn Red Spiral Rail. Just tell me where it is.

Good. You can likely find the Red Ssspiral Rail at a Crux base at Antaeus One. Now go, Crux spy.

Why do you return, violent human?

To turn you into Lk puree!

Oh.. I was just passing through.

Greetingsss, fellow sssentient. Do you have the Red Spiral Rail? Or are you prepared to admit that you are a Crux ssspy?

We don't have it. We'll go get it.

What isss it now, violent human?


Here's your Red Spiral Rail!

We've got it. But we are going to make sure we get lots of answers before we hand it over!

Not so fast. What's this thing actually do?

You may proceed to Haven, the home of the Lk. Give the Rail to the Master Inheritor.

Greetingsss, fellow sssentient. I am the Massster Inheritor. Do you have the Red Spiral Rail? Or are you prepared to admit that you are a craven Crux ssspy?

We've got it. But we are going to make sure we get lots of answers before we hand it over!

Not so fast. What's this thing actually do?

We sssay nothing until you give it to usss. It's jussst like you craven Crux ssspies to try to get information from usss without ever giving usss the Red Spiral Rail.

Forget it then. We're out of here.

Ah! We knew you were a Crux ssspy. We'll jussst have to keep our sssecretsss to ourssselvesss.

Here's your Red Spiral Rail!

Here it is.

Ahhh! The Rail! Sssymbol of Precursssor heritage! Now none can deny the Lk as full inheritors of the Precursssorsss!

Now you better tell us everything we want to know, and don't hold anything back!

Impatient sssentient. You will learn all in time. What are your questionsss?

Now that we have proven who we are, I hope we can establish relations based on trust.

Trussst? That is going too far. We know you are not a Crux ssspy, but then, we knew that long before we met you. Yesss, we know all about you. The Crux told usss that you are their sssworn enemy.

You lying Crux-simp scum! You deserve to die! I'll blast you to smithereens!

You cannot destroy the inheritors of the Precursors!

What? You knew? Then why did you lie to us? Why did you attack us?

We're sorry we attacked you. But you attacked us when you KNEW we were not the Crux!

We attacked you ssso we could dissscover the sssecretsss of your ship! We lied to manipulate you into attacking the Daktaklakpak ssso you could bring usss the Red Spiral Rail.

Do you think that such dishonorable conduct is a sound basis for relations between sentient creatures?

Bah! Issues of sssimple morality are far below the inheritorsss of the Precursors!

Y'know, I've met a lot of sentients who thought they had advanced beyond the need for honest conduct, and you know what? They all paid the price for their arrogance.

Hurrrm... I... Hurrrm. You irritate us, human! You ssstir usss to doubtsss... We do not wish to discuss this any further!

Isn't that special. I could listen all day. So, about those answers to my questions...

We would have got the damn Rail for you even if you didn't lie!

You would have risssked life and limb to get the Rail for nothing more than our good will? I think not.

OK, probably not.

Of courssse not. You would have been too tempted to keep the Red Spiral Rail for yourself. And we could not risssk it.

We're sorry we attacked you. Would you please answer our questions? We did give you the Red Spiral Rail.

We will anssswer. Not becaussse you brought the Rail, but because it sssuitsss our purposssesss to anssswer.

We came to take another piece out of your scaly, flakey hide!

Then you know a lot less about the League than you think you do. We would have done even more for your good will.

Urr... You would? We cannot believe such a thing. Hurrrm... I... Hurrrm. You irritate us, human! You ssstir usss to doubtsss... We do not wish to discuss this any further!

No sentient creature is beyond honest dealings with other sentients. That's the basis of everything the League stands for.

What's the matter? Your vestigial conscience bothering you?

Enough! Asssk your questionsss or leave!

Very well. I think I made my point.

OK, OK. I'll ask. But your answers better be good!

If you end transmission without answering our questions, I'm going to have to crush you!

You are a vicious, lying monster! Prepare to die!

You are a dishonorable creep!

We don't want your good will anymore! Die, liar!

Don't make us kick your posteriors again.

Ssso. Do you wisssh to kill usss to sssoothe your injured pride? Or do you want your questionsss ansswered?

Hmm. That's a toughie. But... I'd have to go with the injured pride. Die, lizard lips!

I'll blast you if you even try to leave!

Ssso be it.

OK, OK. We won't kill you. But your answers better be good!


OK. Fine. Whatever. Just answer our questions.


You may seek the Master Inheritor on Haven.

I have some questions.

You may seek the Master Inheritor on Haven.

Want to join the League?

You may seek the Master Inheritor on Haven.

Don't you say anything else?

You may seek the Master Inheritor on Haven.


Asssk your quessstions.

Yesss? Have you more questionsss for the wissse Master Inheritor?

Ask your questionsss, human.

Who are you?

We are the Lk. We are a great race of brilliant scholars who study the great mysteries of the Precursors. We are the true inheritors of the Precursor legacy.

What do you know about the Precursors?

The Precursors were the greatest race that ever lived in the galaxy. They created the greatest civilization ever known, and then mysteriously vanished, leaving their legacy for the Lk.

How did they leave their legacy to you?

How do you know you are the true inheritors of the Precursor legacy?

What's your connection to the Precursors?

We are all that remains of the Precursors, for we evolved from saprophyte spores in the greatest Precursor base in all of known space!

Let's change the subject.

Saprophytes? You evolved growing on the bodies of dead Precursors? That's pretty gross!

We neither expect you to understand or appreciate the beauty of such a relationship.

How does that work?

We evolved by growing from spores in the Precursor food stocks, and possibly as spores on the very bodies of the dead Precursors - if they died and did not translate their bodies somewhere else. We don't know for certain.

But we do know that thisss is the closssest posssible connection to Precursors, and legitimizes our claim as their inheritors!

It alssso gives usss a deep, enduring connection to the Precursors that lessser species could never understand. It allows us to maximize our Precursor Potential.

Explain this Precursor Potential.

Evolution of intellect appears to occur in a remarkably similar manner in all parts of all galactic quadrantsss.

Through a process we do not fully understand, all races evolve toward a single master form of forms, as if driven by an unssseen, but all-powerful formula.

The Precursors were the pinnacle of this form of forms. Sssave for the Lk, all races are but a whisper of the Precursssorsss' towering intellect.

But you are the least whispery because your ancestors happened to absorb some atoms that once might have been in a Precursor body?

I don't see why you are closer to the Precursors.

You must understand that the Lk evolved in the greatest Precursor cache known to exist!

Races which evolve near a Precursor site take a great leap in intellect when they reach the advanced stage of development when they can decipher the Precursor technology.

You are a good example of this, Captain. You see, all your accomplishments in defeating a powerful slaving empire in your home quadrant and ending their doctrinal wars can be traced to one sssource: the fortuitousss accident of your having been born upon a Precursor planet.

So imagine how far our ssspeciesss could advance evolving here in the midssst of the greatest Precursor cache known to exist!

My accomplishments are due to a lot more than being born on one measly Precursor planet.

That isss true. To begin, your species had developed far enough to be capable of the most rudimentary understanding of Precursor technology.

And you were born with a mutation that allowed for a precocious intellect.

But ultimately, you were born and raised on a Precursor treasure trove, where you could unleash the full extent of that intellect.

You maximized your Precursor Potential. This allowed you create an actual Precursor vessel. Though you did not actually create anything, did you? You merely deciphered how to push the Start button.

I did a lot more than that! I established a rapport with the Precursor computer!

Hurm.... It is odd that you would be able to accomplish that so soon after your race developed spaceflight.

Most races cannot interpret Precursor devices until many centuries after they have left the surfaces of their worlds. But then most races are given space technology by other races.

Humans are one of the few races that uplifted themselves. That shows an ability to manifest your Precursor Potential.

But nevertheless, your race has far to go to begin to truly comprehend the mysteries of the Precursors.

What else can you tell me about that?

That is all I will tell you about that.

I have a question on a different topic.

What is the Red Spiral Rail?

Ah, the Rail! The Red Spiral Rail! Built eons ago by the Precursors to ssseek out the true inheritors of their agesss-old dynasssty!

When the Precursssors mysteriousssly vanished millennia ago, they left the Rail to find those racesss that have manifested their Precursor potential.

Then how come the rail didn't find you on its own?

Is it not obvious? The Rail must be broken! Those thrice accursed Daktaklakpak must have tampered with it.

Why would they do that?

Why do you hate the Daktaklakpak?

The Daktaklakpak are notorious for defiling the most sacred of Precursor artifacts! They seek to force the Precursor artifacts to prove their deluded, narcissistic theories.

The Daktaklakpak may well be a Precursor creation, but they cannot be the inheritors of the Precursors!

Their thinking is utterly alien from the other artifacts, and far less elegant! Though we will assist the Crux when it helps us, we will not work with the Daktaklakpak!

You're allied with the Crux?

What is your relationship to the Crux?

We do not ally with the Crux, but we help them when it suits our purposes. Likewise, we do not ally with you, but we will help you. When it suits our purposes.

If you've been "helping" Crux the way you just "helped" us, no wonder the Crux is falling apart.

Do not underessstimate the Crux. Though the Daktaklakpak are deluded and the K'tang are drooling halfwits, the Ploxis are ruthlessly clever and wickedly deviousss. Overconfidence can kill.

Then aren't you afraid they might betray you?

Of course! It is a matter of WHEN they betray us, not IF they betray us. But we are prepared for them.

How are you prepared for the Crux to betray you?

That I will not tell you. But I will tell you that we fully expect you to betray us as well. All creatures can be expected to betray others when it meets their needs.

That's where you are wrong. We have firm rules about that.

What a bleak outlook. If you joined the League of Sentient Races you'd see that we take care of our allies.

We shall see, human. We shall see.

What are the Rainbow Worlds?

The Rainbow Worlds point the way to the galactic core, and the ancient powers that slumber there. Sssstay away from the galactic core. Sssertain death liesss that way! The greatessst Precursssor ssseccrets are not for the likesss of you! All knowledge has a price, and thisss knowledge may harrow your sssoul!

Oh sure! You just don't want us to get the Precursor goodies there.

Yeah? Afraid that mere humans will learn more than the brilliant Lk?

That's not much information.

Uh... thanks for the warning.

I warn you, human! Do not test the patience of the Lk on thisss score! The greatessst sssecretsss of the Precursors are for the Lk ALONE!

I think I'll ask a question on a different topic.

Yeah, yeah. Sure.

I can't promise you that we will leave the galactic core alone. If we have to go there to restore the integrity of the fabric of space, we will.

You have been warned!

What's going on with the HyperSpace problems?

It is with grave uneasiness that I must concede that the Lk do not know. But lest you think usss helplesss here on Haven, I mussst inform you that we do have emergency transssport between the ssstarsss.

What's that technology?

We will not tell you what it is. Ask a different question.

Ah, yer bluffing. You're immobilized like the rest of the galaxy. You just don't want me to think of the mighty Lk as helpless!

Do not taunt us, vainglorious human! You try our patience! Ask a different question or leave!

Is that a threat? I'll pulverize you!

Ssso be it.

OK. OK. I'll ask a different question.

What's the deal with the Eternal Ones?

Sssuch information is not meant for the ears of lesser sssentientsss like you. It would harrow your very sssoul!

I offer you membership in the League of Sentient Races.

We are ssstrictly neutral! We join none, but exploit all for our own purposssesss!

OK, but if you change your mind, be sure to let us know.

We shall not change our minds.

What's this Conc Rock?

Ah, yesss. A Conc rock. Many Clairconctlar are born from that living ssstone, flakesss from the mother rock.

It is of sssuch overwhelming value to the Clairconctlar that if you broke the rock, the Clairconctlar would reject all other orders and follow you to the ends of the universe to try to destroy you.

The safety of the Conc Rock overrides everything else to the Clairconctlar.

So just breaking this rock kills vast numbers of Clairconctlar?

No. It kills no living Clairconctlar. Just potential life. The Conc rock is less a living being than a strand of genetic material is a sentient being. Destroying the Conc rock kills no Clairconctlar, just as destroying a handful of seeds kills no forest.

Where can I get a Sun Device?

Ah, yesss. We have a Sun Device. But it will cossst you dearly.

Forget it. I'll ask about something else.

Name your price, Master Inheritor.

I will give you the Sun Device now. But if you find a Precursor artifact called the Eternal One Signal Deflector, you must give it to me.

Consider this a test of your vaunted League honesty. For I believe that your precious League rules are a sanctimonious strategem designed to inculcate in you a sssensse of piousss sssuperiority.

But you will jettisson those rules as soon as it becomes convenient to you. Once I give you this Sun Device, I believe you will not return, but keep the Eternal One Signal Deflector for yourself!

Wrong! I agree. Give me the Sun Device, and I'll give you the Deflector as soon as I find it.

Here is the Sun Device. I await my Eternal One Signal Deflector.

Uh, Eternal One Signal Deflector? As in the Eternal Ones that I'm not supposed to know anything about?

Do you want Eternal One signals deflected or not?

I will answer no further questions. You must choose.

OK. I agree. Give me the Sun Device, and I'll give you the Deflector as soon as I find it.

No deal until I know a WHOLE lot more about you guys.

Return when you are ready to make such a promise.

Return if you have any more questions. Farewell, human.

That's all my questions for now.

What's this Vyro-Ingo Encrustation Matrix?

Ah yesss. A Vyro-Ingo Encrustation Matrix. I have only seen the Precursor blueprints on thisss. I had never thought I would actually sssee one.

The Vyro-Ingo are a Precursor experiment gone out of control. The Precursors sought to understand their own Precursor potential by isolating it in other beings.

They divided the genes of one race into two sets. This effectively created two different species and raised them in different quadrants of the galaxy.

Both races evolved toward sentience, but both lacked Precursor potential. They feel their flaw as grinding, incessant, agony.

So they have an instinctive hatred of genetically undivided races. The Precursors intended to rejoin the races again, but they...disappeared... before they could do so.

So the two races remained genetically fragmented; complete enough to breed and evolve sentience, but without potential to evolve toward full Precursorhood.

Who's the other race?

Alasss, I do not know. I only have records on the Vyro-Ingo, the race that the Precursors transplanted into the Kessarri quadrant.

The Precursors transplanted the elusive other race into YOUR quadrant, so I have no records of them.

How horrible that race must feel! Like the Vyro-Ingo, they must feel a deep, instinctive hatred of all other races. If they are even alive.

They may be long extinct. Wiped out in those Doctrinal Wars your quadrant has so often. If they are extinct, the Vyro-Ingo are doomed to live with an enduring genetic defect.

Isn't that a genetically elitist thing to say? One race's defect is another race's perfection.

No. It is the truth. When the Precursors sundered one race into two, it left the two races with extreme genetic abnormalities capable of making daily life an excruciating busssinesss.

What's this Vux Encrustation Matrix?

Ah yesss. Another Encrustation Matrix. Hmmm... By the bones of the Precursors! Thisss Matrix isss for the Vux! The Vux are the missing piece of Vyro-Ingo DNA! The Vux must be genetically flawed as well, and hateful of all other species.

That's one way to put it.

The Vux? Never! They're just full of the milk of sentient kindness.

Hurm. Our lore reveals that the Vux are indeed a viciously unpredictable race.

Can the Vux and the Vyro-Ingo genes be restored?

Yesss. But it isss an arduousss processs that involves joining the twin Encrustation Matrices. We are sending information on the joining process to you, and then you can join the Matrices together.

What, we don't have to go on any mission in return for your precious dribbles of knowledge?

No. We wish to observe the results of the conjoining. Such a restoration has never happened in recorded history.

Well, thanks.

Here is your Eternal One Signal Deflector.

Amazing! You have actually kept your promise! You have actually given us the Eternal One Signal Deflector! We won't have to destroy you for it!

Yep. I sure have. Now comes the part where you say you are really the Eternal Ones in disguise, and I'm toast, right?

Ah, for a moment I thought you were free from the taint of crippling cynicism.

Now you see that the League keeps its own rules and operates with integrity.

I see that now. And I am astounded.

Greetings, high-minded, surprisingly ethical Captain.

Hi. Just stopped in to say hello.

Hi. I came over to borrow a cup of sentience.

We think we can feed the Eternal Ones without killing ourselves. Care to contribute some sentience? You won't actually lose anything.

Amazing! Such a thing is almost unfathomable! But we will do all we can. Good luck!

The Master Inheritor says to come back when you have used the Eternal One Signal Deflector.

Be that way. I'll just leave.

Can I talk to him?

You guessed!

Then begone!

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